23-165.4 - Members of board; appointment; terms; vacancies.

§ 23-165.4. Members of board; appointment; terms; vacancies.

A. The board shall consist of 15 members appointed by the Governor, of whomthree shall be alumni of the university, and at least 10 shall be residentsof Virginia. All appointments shall be for a term of four years. No membershall serve for more than two consecutive four-year terms. Vacancies shall befilled in the same manner as the original appointments. Appointments to fillvacancies, other than by expiration of a term, shall be for the unexpiredterms. The remainder of any term to which a member is appointed to fill avacancy shall not constitute a term in determining the member's eligibilityfor reappointment. Of the four additional members appointed to the board onJuly 1, 2008, the Governor shall appoint two members for an initial term offour years, and two members for an initial term of two years. Thereafter,such members and their successors shall be appointed for a term of fouryears, in accordance with the provisions of this section.

B. The Governor may appoint alumni visitors from a list of qualified personssubmitted to him upon the recommendation of the National Alumni Associationof Virginia State University on or before July 1 of any year in which theterms of such visitors shall expire. The alumni association shall submit thenames of at least three qualified alumni for each such vacancy.

C. All appointments shall be subject to the confirmation of the GeneralAssembly. Members shall continue to hold office until their successors havebeen appointed and have qualified.

(1964, c. 70; 1979, c. 147; 1993, c. 697; 1999, c. 752; 2008, cc. 465, 477.)