23-165.11 - Cooperative Extension Service Program recognized; funding authority; unified plan; reports.

§ 23-165.11. Cooperative Extension Service Program recognized; fundingauthority; unified plan; reports.

As provided in Article 1.1 (§ 23-132.1 et seq.) of Chapter 11 of Title 23 andsubject to the federally required plan, the Cooperative Extension ServiceProgram within Virginia State University, hereinafter referred to as "theService Program," is hereby recognized. The Virginia State University ishereby empowered to accept grants, gifts or donations for the CooperativeExtension Service Program from the governing bodies of the several countiesand cities of the Commonwealth, other public or private agencies, andindividual donors. The Cooperative Extension Service Program shall beoperated cooperatively by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityand Virginia State University, with agreed upon areas of program and serviceemphasis as set forth in the unified plan submitted by the two institutionsto the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Virginia State University shallfile such reports on the activities of the Service Program as may be requiredby law or requested by the Governor and the two institutions shall file suchreports on the unified plan as may be required by law or requested by theGovernor.

(1994, c. 433.)