23-2.2:1 - Reporting of enrollment information to Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry

§ 23-2.2:1. Reporting of enrollment information to Sex Offender and CrimesAgainst Minors Registry.

Each public and private two- and four-year institution of higher educationphysically located in the Commonwealth shall electronically transmitenrollment data including (i) complete name, (ii) social security number orother identifying number, (iii) date of birth, and (iv) gender to theDepartment of State Police, in a format approved by the State Police, forcomparison with information contained in the Virginia Criminal InformationNetwork and National Crime Information Center Convicted Sexual OffenderRegistry File, for all applicants that are offered acceptance to attend theinstitution. This data shall be transmitted before such time that anapplicant becomes a "student in attendance" pursuant to 20 U.S.C.1232g(a)(6) at that institution. However, institutions with a rolling orinstantaneous admissions policy shall report enrollment in accordance withguidelines developed by the Department of State Police in consultation withthe State Council of Higher Education and the Virginia Community CollegeSystem. Such guidelines shall be developed no later than January 1, 2007.

Whenever it appears from the records of the State Police that a person hasfailed to comply with the duty to register or reregister pursuant to Chapter9 (§ 9.1-900 et seq.) of Title 9.1, the State Police shall promptlyinvestigate and, if there is probable cause to believe a violation hasoccurred, obtain a warrant or assist in obtaining an indictment charging aviolation of § 18.2-472.1 in the jurisdiction in which the person wasenrolled with the educational institution.

(2006, cc. 857, 914.)