22.1-131 - Boards may permit use of various school property; general conditions.
§ 22.1-131. Boards may permit use of various school property; generalconditions.
A school board may permit the use, upon such terms and conditions as it deemsproper, of such school property as will not impair the efficiency of theschools. The school board may authorize the division superintendent to permituse of the school property, including buildings, grounds, vehicles, and otherproperty, under such conditions as it deems will not impair the efficiency ofthe schools and are, therefore, proper. The division superintendent shallreport to the school board at the end of each month his actions under thissection. Permitted uses of buildings may include, but are not limited to, useas voting places in any primary, regular or special election and operation ofa local or regional library pursuant to an agreement between the school boardand a library board created as provided in § 42.1-35.
(Code 1950, §§ 22-164, 22-164.1; 1973, c. 245; 1980, c. 559; 2000, c. 754.)