22.1-118 - Management of funds for joint school; county or city treasurer as fiscal agent.
§ 22.1-118. Management of funds for joint school; county or city treasurer asfiscal agent.
The treasurer of a county or city in which a joint school is located shall bethe fiscal agent of such school and shall receive and disburse the fundsthereof. However, the participating school boards of a joint school,including an academic year Governor's School operated by two or more schooldivisions, may by agreement and with the approval of the respective localgoverning bodies, select the fiscal agent for the joint school from among thetreasurers, as defined in § 58.1-3123, of the participating localities. Alldisbursements shall be by warrant signed by the clerk of the committee forcontrol of such school and countersigned by such treasurer as fiscal agent.
For his services as fiscal agent, the treasurer shall be paid such salary asmay be agreed upon by the committee for control of the joint school andtreasurer. In the event they cannot agree, then the amount of salary to bepaid shall be submitted to the circuit court of the county or city in whichthe school is located for hearing and determination, and the amount so fixedby the court shall be binding upon both the treasurer and the committee.Nothing contained in this section shall affect the regular salary allowanceof the treasurer as fixed annually by the State Compensation Board.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to the property and schoolknown as New London Academy leased under the provisions of Chapter 174 of theActs of Assembly of 1887, approved May 10, 1887, and acts amendatory thereof,nor shall they apply in Albemarle County.
(Code 1950, § 22-133.1; 1970, c. 215; 1980, c. 559; 1993, cc. 7, 161; 2003,c. 702; 2007, cc. 45, 813.)