22.1-57.4 - Referendum to revert to appointment of the school board.
§ 22.1-57.4. Referendum to revert to appointment of the school board.
A. By the same procedure and under the same requirements as provided in §22.1-57.2, the registered voters of any county, city, or town which selectsmembers of the school board by direct election of the voters may petitionfor, and the circuit court shall so order, a referendum on the question ofchanging from direct election of the school board to appointment of schoolboard members by the governing body or, if the petition so states in the caseof a county, by a school board selection commission. The question on theballot shall be:
"Shall the method of selecting the school board be changed from directelection by the voters to appointment by the governing body (or, if thepetition in a county so requests, a school board selection commission)?
[] YES
[] NO"
B. If a majority of the qualified voters voting in such referendum vote infavor of changing the method of selecting school board members to appointmentby the governing body or by a school board selection commission, as the casemay be, the terms of the school board members in office through directelection shall terminate on June 30 following the referendum. A school boardselection commission shall be appointed pursuant to § 22.1-35 if a majorityhave voted in the referendum for that selection method. The members of theappointed school board shall be appointed for the terms and in the mannerprovided in the article of this chapter or the chapter of Title 15.2applicable to the county, city, or town in which the referendum has been held.
(1992, c. 594.)