22.1-57.2 - Referendum on direct election of school board members by the voters.
§ 22.1-57.2. Referendum on direct election of school board members by thevoters.
The registered voters of any such county, city, or town may, by petitionfiled with the circuit court thereof, ask that a referendum be held on thequestion of whether the members of the school board of the county, city, ortown shall be elected directly by the voters. The petition shall be signedby registered voters equal in number to at least ten percent of the numberregistered in such locality on the January 1 preceding its filing. Upon thefiling of a petition, the circuit court shall order and require the electionofficials at the next general election to open the polls and take the senseof the voters therein on that question. The petition shall be filed with thecourt not less than ninety days prior to the general election. The clerk ofthe court shall cause notice of the referendum to be published once a weekfor the three consecutive weeks prior to the referendum in a newspaper havinggeneral circulation in the county, city, or town, and a copy of the noticeshall be posted during the same time on the door of the courthouse of thecounty or city, or of the county within which the town is located. Thequestion on the ballot shall be:
"Shall the method of selecting the school board be changed from appointmentby the governing body (or the school board selection commission, whichever isapplicable) to direct election by the voters?
[] YES
[] NO"
The election shall be held and the results certified as provided in §24.2-684.
(1992, c. 594.)