22.1-57.1:1 - Referendum in certain consolidated cities
§ 22.1-57.1:1. Referendum in certain consolidated cities.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this article or any other statutoryprovision, where an existing city and a county consolidate into aconsolidated city and where the county at the time of consolidation isproviding all school services to the existing city by contract pursuant to §22.1-27 and the voters of the county have approved direct election of theschool board, the consolidation plan or agreement shall provide for theelection of school board members directly by the voters of the consolidatedcity without the necessity of a further referendum under § 22.1-57.2; in suchcase, the consolidation plan or agreement shall provide that the members ofthe initial school board shall be elected from the municipal electiondistricts designated in the consolidation plan or agreement. The provisionsof § 22.1-57.3 shall apply in all other respects.
(1995, c. 728.)