22.1-47.3 - Transition from appointed to elected school board.
§ 22.1-47.3. Transition from appointed to elected school board.
If the change to an elected school board is approved by the voters, theappointed members of the school board in office at the time of the referendumapproving the change shall continue in office for the balance of theirappointed terms except that each term shall expire on the December 31immediately succeeding the June 30 expiration date for the appointed term. Inthe event of a vacancy in an unexpired term of any appointed school boardmember, a replacement shall be elected at the next regularly scheduledgeneral election to fill the remainder of the term. No special election shallbe held, however, if the general election at which it is to be held isscheduled in the year in which the term expires.
At the first and each succeeding November election, one school board membershall be elected for each position on the school board occupied by anappointed member whose term expires the following December 31 until theschool board is composed entirely of elected members. Successor school boardmembers shall be elected each November for four-year terms commencing onJanuary 1 of the year following the election. The requirement of subsection Bof § 22.1-57.3 that the same number of members of the governing body andschool board be elected at each November election shall not be applicable.
(1993, c. 88; 1996, c. 185.)