22.1-47.2 - Petitions for a referendum on direct election of school board members.
§ 22.1-47.2. Petitions for a referendum on direct election of school boardmembers.
Petitions circulated pursuant to § 22.1-57.2 or § 22.1-57.4 may be circulatedfor a period not to exceed one calendar year. If the period from the date ofthe earliest signature to the latest signature exceeds one calendar year, allsignatures shall be invalid.
At the time the petitions are filed, the petitions shall contain the requirednumber of signatures of voters who are currently registered to vote in thecounty.
Persons signing petitions for a referendum to be held at the November 1994general election and on subsequent November general election dates shall datetheir signatures on the petitions.
Any petition circulated pursuant to § 22.1-57.2 or this article which callsfor a November 1993 referendum (i) shall not be subject to the requirementsof this section that the signatures be dated and that the petition becirculated no longer than one calendar year and (ii) may be circulated forsignatures in both 1992 and 1993.
(1993, c. 88.)