22.1-38.1 - Provisions for school board where division consolidated as result of certain governmental consolidations.
§ 22.1-38.1. Provisions for school board where division consolidated asresult of certain governmental consolidations.
A. Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 22.1-38 and 22.1-57 or any otherstatutory provision, in any consolidation of school divisions comprised ofsingle cities and single counties, which consolidation constitutes a part ofa governmental consolidation resulting in the formation of a consolidatedcounty and a tier-city, the consolidation agreement may provide as follows:
1. The effective date for consolidation of school divisions may be prior orsubsequent to the effective date for general governmental consolidation.
2. Initial members of the consolidated school board selection committee maybe selected as provided in § 22.1-35 from the consolidating divisions at anytime after certification by the appropriate electoral boards of approval byreferendum of the consolidation plan.
3. Initial members of the consolidated school board may be selected to assumeoffice at any agreed time prior to the effective date for consolidation ofschool divisions, only for such of the following limited purposes as may beprovided by the consolidation agreement or plan:
a. Organization of itself and election of one of its members as chairman.
b. Preparation and approval of an initial budget applicable to the newlyconsolidated school divisions.
c. Preparation of job descriptions, pay ranges and qualifications for eachposition in the consolidated school division.
d. Hiring of individuals to hold each position in the consolidated schooldivision.
e. Designation of school attendance zones.
f. Allocation of office space and furniture to accommodate the administrativestaff of the consolidated school division.
g. Preparation of seniority lists and reductions in force policy.
h. Approval of initial curriculum, grading systems, and all such forms ofrecords as may be required.
i. Adoption of a transportation plan for the consolidated school division.
B. Any member of a school board of a consolidating school division may beappointed to the consolidated school board, and for the limited time periodas provided in the consolidation agreement may hold both offices.
C. Upon the effective date of consolidation of school divisions, all schoolboard members shall assume full powers, duties, rights and responsibilitiesof their offices.
(1984, c. 695.)