22.1-32 - Salary of members.
§ 22.1-32. Salary of members.
A. Any elected school board may pay each of its members an annual salary thatis consistent with the salary procedures and no more than the salary limitsprovided for local governments in Article 1.1 (§ 15.2-1414.1 et seq.) ofChapter 14 of Title 15.2 or as provided by charter. However, any electedschool board of a school division comprised of a county having the countymanager plan of government, as provided in § 15.2-702.1 may, after a publichearing pursuant to notice in the manner provided in subdivision 8 of §22.1-79, set the annual salary of its members at no more than $25,000, exceptthat the annual salary of the chairman, vice-chairman, or both, may exceed$25,000.
B. The appointed school board of the following counties may pay each of itsmembers an annual salary not to exceed the limits hereinafter set forth:
Accomack - $3,000.00;
Alleghany - $1,500.00;
Amherst - $2,200.00;
Brunswick - $1,800.00;
Cumberland - $3,600.00;
Essex - $1,800.00;
Greensville - $1,800.00;
Hanover - $8,000.00;
Isle of Wight - $4,000.00;
Northampton - $3,000.00;
Prince Edward - $2,400.00;
Richmond - $5,000.00;
Southampton - $5,300.00.
C. The appointed school board of the following cities and towns may pay eachof its members an annual salary not to exceed the limits hereinafter setforth:
Charlottesville - $3,000.00;
Covington - $1,500.00;
Danville - $600.00;
Emporia - $240.00;
Fries - $240.00;
Hopewell - $3,600.00;
Lexington - $600.00;
Lynchburg - $2,400.00;
Manassas Park - $3,000.00;
Martinsville - $2,400.00;
Norfolk - $3,000.00;
Poquoson - $3,000.00;
Roanoke - $4,200.00;
Salem - $4,800.00;
South Boston - $600.00.
D. Any school board may, in its discretion, pay the chairman of the schoolboard an additional salary not exceeding $2,000 per year upon passage of anappropriate resolution by (i) the school board whose membership is elected inwhole or in part or (ii) the governing body of the appropriate county, city,or town whose school board is comprised solely of appointed members.
E. Any school board may in its discretion pay each of its members mileage foruse of a private vehicle in attending meetings of the school board and inconducting other official business of the school board. Its members may bereimbursed for private transportation at a rate not to exceed that which isauthorized for persons traveling on state business in accordance with §2.2-2825. Whatever rate is paid, however, shall be the same for school boardmembers and employees of the board.
F. No appointed school board shall request the General Assembly'sconsideration of an increase in its annual salary limit as established insubsections B and C of this section unless such school board has taken anaffirmative vote on the requested increase. Further, no elected school boardshall be awarded a salary increase, unless, upon an affirmative vote by suchschool board, a specific salary increase shall be approved. Local schoolboards shall adopt such increases according to the following procedures:
1. A local school board representing a county may establish a salary increaseprior to July 1 of any year in which members are to be elected or appointed,or, if such school board is elected or appointed for staggered terms, priorto July 1 of any year in which at least 40 percent of such members are to beelected or appointed. However, a school board serving a county having thecounty manager plan of government and whose membership totals five mayestablish a salary increase prior to July 1 in any year in which two of thefive members are to be elected or appointed. Such increase shall becomeeffective on January 1 of the following year.
2. A local school board representing a city or town may establish a salaryincrease prior to December 31 in any year preceding a year in which membersare to be elected or appointed. Such increase shall become effective on July1 of the year in which the election or appointment occurs.
No salary increase may become effective during an incumbent member's term ofoffice; however, this restriction shall not apply if the school board membersare elected or appointed for staggered terms.
(Code 1950, § 22-67.2; 1950, pp. 465, 490; 1952, c. 170; 1954, cc. 206, 709;1956, c. 317; 1956, Ex. Sess., cc. 5, 44; 1958, c. 375; 1960, c. 217; 1962,c. 223; 1964, c. 166; 1966, c. 82; 1968, c. 731; 1970, c. 498; 1971, Ex.Sess., c. 93; 1972, c. 623; 1973, c. 153; 1974, cc. 158, 197; 1975, c. 468;1976, cc. 127, 176; 1977, cc. 389, 512; 1978, c. 488; 1979, c. 237; 1980, c.559; 1981, c. 482; 1982, c. 488; 1983, c. 562; 1984, c. 483; 1985, c. 493;1986, cc. 446, 486; 1987, c. 348; 1988, cc. 567, 582; 1989, cc. 464, 504;1990, cc. 805, 878; 1991, c. 279; 1992, c. 406; 1993, cc. 658, 783; 1994, cc.847, 900; 1995, c. 487; 1996, cc. 898, 1041; 1997, cc. 233, 366; 1998, cc.309, 395, 600, 872; 1999, cc. 423, 656, 689; 2000, cc. 721, 738; 2001, cc.603, 607; 2002, cc. 669, 733, 739; 2003, cc. 175, 713; 2004, cc. 179, 199;2005, cc. 489, 536; 2006, cc. 126, 840; 2007, c. 53; 2010, c. 723.)