22.1-26.1 - Agreements for satellite classrooms.
§ 22.1-26.1. Agreements for satellite classrooms.
A. School boards may enter into agreements with private business and industryfor the establishment, installation, renovation, remodeling, or constructionof satellite classrooms for grades kindergarten through three on a site ownedby the business or industry and leased to the school board at no cost.
The local school board may adopt procedures for the enrollment of children ofemployees of the private industry who reside outside the attendance zone forsuch classrooms. Such procedures shall be designed to ensure compliance withall federal and state laws and regulations and constitutional provisionsprohibiting discrimination that are applicable to public schools and with anycourt-ordered desegregation plan in effect for the school division.
Agreements for such satellite classrooms shall include, among other things:
1. A detailed description of the satellite site, the site developmentnecessary for new construction, remodeling, or renovation for theaccomplishment of the project, and any facility to be constructed.
2. A plan for the reimbursement of the school division by the privateindustry or business upon premature termination of any such lease agreement.
3. An enrollment plan, including grade levels to be served.
4. A description of any waivers to be requested from the Board of Educationfor the operation of such satellite classrooms.
B. The relevant governing body may, by ordinance duly adopted, exempt inwhole or in part from any and all taxes authorized pursuant to Chapter 37 (§58.1-3700 et seq.) of Title 58.1, private businesses and industries enteringinto agreements pursuant to this section.
(2002, c. 717.)