22.1-26 - Joint and regional schools; regional public charter schools.
§ 22.1-26. Joint and regional schools; regional public charter schools.
A. Two or more school boards may, with the consent of the State Board,establish joint or regional schools, including regional public charterschools as defined in § 22.1-212.5, comprehensive schools offering all-dayacademic programs and career and technical education, and regionalresidential charter schools for at-risk pupils, for the use of theirrespective school divisions and may jointly purchase, take, hold, lease,convey and condemn both real and personal property for such joint, regional,or regional public charter schools. The school boards, acting jointly, shallhave the same power of condemnation as other school boards except that landso condemned shall not be in excess of 30 acres for the use of any one jointor regional school. The title to all property acquired for such purposesshall vest jointly in the school boards in such respective proportions as theschool boards may determine, and the schools shall be managed and controlledby the school boards jointly, in accordance with such regulations as arepromulgated by the State Board. With the approval of the participating schoolboards and the respective local governing bodies, title to property acquiredfor a joint school shall be vested in the governing body of such school. Theschool boards operating a regional public charter school shall determine theschool division to which any regional public charter school is assigned forthe purposes of any restrictions on the number of public charter schoolsimposed by § 22.1-212.11.
B. Effective July 1, 2008, joint, regional, or regional charter schools inoperation prior to the promulgation of new regulations may request a waiverof the new regulation requirements. This waiver request shall be submitted tothe Board of Education on a form and in a manner prescribed by the Board. Ifthe Board of Education grants the waiver request, the approved school shallcontinue to operate under the previous regulations.
C. Consistent with the provisions of this section, two or more school boardsmay, with the consent of the State Board, establish joint or regionalschools, including regional public charter schools, to serve as high schoolsoffering (i) in addition to a comprehensive high school curriculum,specialized training to students desiring to pursue careers in lawenforcement, fire fighting, emergency and rescue services, and otheroccupations addressing public safety and welfare; or (ii) a specializedcurriculum leading to a high school diploma and a postsecondary credential,such as industry certification, career certificate, or degree; or (iii) both.
Such schools described in clause (i) may be designed to incorporate theinstructional services of retired or disabled emergency, fire, rescue, andlaw-enforcement personnel and internships with local agencies andorganizations providing such emergency, fire, rescue, and law-enforcementservices.
The relevant school boards operating schools described in clause (ii) may, byagreement, establish alternative schedules for the delivery of instructionthat may include alternatives to standard school day and year requirements,subject to the issuance of any necessary waivers by the Board of Educationpursuant to § 22.1-79.1 and relevant Board regulations. Such school boardsmay contract with an accredited institution of higher education or otherpostsecondary school licensed or certified by the Board of Education or theState Council of Higher Education, as the case may be, pursuant to Chapter 16(§ 22.1-319 et seq.) of this title or Chapter 21.1 (§ 23-276.1 et seq.) ofTitle 23, to deliver such instruction, which may include specializedinstruction and training for students who are eligible to enroll in publichigh schools, consistent with §§ 22.1-3, 22.1-5, and 22.1-213.
D. Joint or regional schools, such as academic year Governor's Schools, mayset the school calendar so that the first day students are required to attendschool shall comport with the calendar of any of the participating schooldivisions, including those granted a waiver, as prescribed in § 22.1-79.1.Such calendar must be approved by the governing board of the joint orregional school.
(Code 1950, § 22-7; 1954, c. 638; 1980, c. 559; 1999, c. 449; 2000, cc. 631,712, 1028; 2002, c. 366; 2003, c. 165; 2004, c. 256; 2007, c. 45; 2008, c.49.)