22.1-354.2 - Functions and duties.
§ 22.1-354.2. Functions and duties.
The Consortium shall perform the following functions and duties:
1. Coordinate with organizations and agencies providing programs and servicesto Consortium school divisions to reduce duplication of effort and optimizethe use of available resources;
2. Conduct ongoing assessments to identify needs of member school divisionsand develop plans and programs responding to those needs;
3. Facilitate the coordination of programs in the Consortium region thataffect K through 12 public education in career and technical education,workforce development, and other linkages between public schools,institutions of higher education, and business and industry;
4. Coordinate technology-related activities between Consortium members inareas of common concern, such as video conferencing and distance learning,including the acquisition and utilization of hardware and software foradministrative and instructional purchases;
5. Develop and maintain linkages with schools and school divisions inNorthern Virginia to promote enhanced usage of educational technology; and
6. Create the capacity for development within the Consortium of sharedservices and activities, including purchasing, facility planning, staffdevelopment, and special needs programming, and implementation of such sharedservices and activities as need is determined.
(2000, cc. 105, 302; 2001, c. 483.)