22.1-323 - Licenses generally.
§ 22.1-323. Licenses generally.
A. No person shall open, operate or conduct any school for students withdisabilities in this Commonwealth without a license to operate such schoolissued by the Board of Education. A license shall be issued for a school ifit is in compliance with the regulations of the Board issued pursuant to thischapter, any fee for such license has been paid, and its facilities areapproved by the Board after an inspection by the Department. No such licenseshall be transferable. The license shall be prominently displayed on thepremises of the school in a place open for inspection by any interestedperson during the hours of operation.
B. Any license issued to a residential school for students with disabilities,except a provisional or conditional license issued pursuant to § 22.1-323.1,may, upon written notification to the school, expire on a date subsequent toits stated expiration date and determined at the discretion of the Board, butin no case later than three years from the effective date. Licenses issued toresidential schools for students with disabilities which are effective on orafter July 1, 1992, may be issued for periods of up to three successiveyears. Licenses may be issued to private day special education schools forperiods of up to three successive years.
C. The Superintendent or his authorized agents may make unannouncedinspections of each school for students with disabilities each year.
(Code 1950, § 22-330.21; 1970, c. 665; 1972, c. 523; 1980, c. 559; 1992, c.666; 1994, c. 258; 2004, c. 991.)