22.1-305.2 - Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure.

§ 22.1-305.2. Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure.

There is hereby established the Advisory Board on Teacher Education andLicensure which shall consist of nineteen members to be appointed by theBoard of Education. Ten members of the Advisory Board shall be classroomteachers, with at least the following representation: three elementaryschool teachers, three middle school teachers, and three high schoolteachers. Three members of the Advisory Board shall be schooladministrators, one of whom shall be a school principal, one of whom shall bea division superintendent, and one of whom shall be a school personneladministrator. Two members of the Advisory Board shall be faculty members inteacher preparation programs in public or private institutions of highereducation, who may represent the arts and sciences. One member of theAdvisory Board shall be a member of a school board. One member of theAdvisory Board shall be a member of a parent-teacher association. One memberof the Advisory Board shall be a representative of the business community andone member shall be a citizen at large. The Superintendent of PublicInstruction or his designee and the Director of the State Council of HigherEducation or his designee and the Chancellor of the Virginia CommunityCollege System or his designee shall serve as nonvoting ex officio members ofthe Advisory Board.

The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall designate a staff liaison tocoordinate the activities of the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board shallmeet five times per year or upon the request of its chairman or the Board ofEducation. The Advisory Board shall annually elect a chairman from itsmembership. The members of the Advisory Board shall serve withoutcompensation; however, the necessary expenses incurred in the performance oftheir duties as members of the Advisory Board shall be reimbursed by theDepartment of Education.

The members of the Advisory Board shall be appointed for three-year terms.However, the incumbent members of the Teacher Education Advisory Boardserving on July 1, 1990, shall be appointed to serve as initial members ofthe Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure for the duration of theterms for which they were originally appointed. Upon the expiration of theterms of these incumbent members, the members appointed to replace them shallserve for three-year terms. No person may be appointed to serve for morethan two consecutive terms. Those serving as incumbent members on July 1,1990, shall be eligible to be reappointed to serve for one additional term.Members shall hold office after expiration of their terms until theirsuccessors are duly appointed.

The Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure shall advise the Boardof Education and submit recommendations on policies applicable to thequalifications, examination, licensure, and regulation of school personnelincluding revocation, suspension, denial, cancellation, reinstatement, andrenewals of licensure, fees for processing applications, standards for theapproval of preparation programs, reciprocal approval of preparationprograms, and other related matters as the Board of Education may request orthe Advisory Board may deem necessary. The final authority for licensure ofschool personnel shall remain with the Board of Education.

(1990, c. 970; 1992, c. 132.)