22.1-288.1 - Notation in school records of missing children; local law-enforcement cooperation.
§ 22.1-288.1. Notation in school records of missing children; locallaw-enforcement cooperation.
A. Each school board shall receive reports of disappearances of any childrenliving within the school division from local law enforcement pursuant to §52-31.1.
B. Upon notification by a local law-enforcement agency of a child'sdisappearance, the principal of any school in which the child was enrolled atthe time of the disappearance shall indicate, by mark, in the child'scumulative record that the child has been reported as missing. Uponnotification by law enforcement that the child is located, the principalshall remove the mark from the record.
C. Upon receiving a request from any school or person for copies of thecumulative records and birth certificate of any child who has been reportedby a local law-enforcement agency to be missing, the school being requestedto transfer the records shall immediately notify the law-enforcement agencythat provided the report to the school of the child's disappearance of thelocation of the school or person requesting the cumulative records and birthcertificate of the child, without alerting the requestor of such report.
D. For the purposes of this section, a "mark" shall mean an electronic orother indicator that (i) is readily apparent on the student's record and (ii)will immediately alert any school personnel that the record is that of amissing child.
(1990, c. 295; 2006, c. 295.)