22.1-271.5 - Policies on concussions in student-athletes.
§ 22.1-271.5. Policies on concussions in student-athletes.
A. The Board of Education shall develop and distribute to each local schooldivision guidelines on policies to inform and educate coaches,student-athletes, and their parents or guardians of the nature and risk ofconcussions, criteria for removal from and return to play, and risks of notreporting the injury and continuing to play.
B. Each local school division shall develop policies and procedures regardingthe identification and handling of suspected concussions in student-athletes.Such policies shall require:
1. In order to participate in any extracurricular physical activity, eachstudent-athlete and the student-athlete's parent or guardian shall review, onan annual basis, information on concussions provided by the local schooldivision. After having reviewed materials describing the short- and long-termhealth effects of concussions, each student-athlete and the student-athlete'sparent or guardian shall sign a statement acknowledging receipt of suchinformation, in a manner approved by the Board of Education; and
2. A student-athlete suspected by that student-athlete's coach, athletictrainer, or team physician of sustaining a concussion or brain injury in apractice or game shall be removed from the activity at that time. Astudent-athlete who has been removed from play, evaluated, and suspected tohave a concussion or brain injury shall not return to play that same day noruntil (i) evaluated by an appropriate licensed health care provider asdetermined by the Board of Education and (ii) in receipt of written clearanceto return to play from such licensed health care provider.
The licensed health care provider evaluating student-athletes suspected ofhaving a concussion or brain injury may be a volunteer.
C. In addition, local school divisions may provide the guidelines toorganizations sponsoring athletic activity for student-athletes on schoolproperty. Local school divisions shall not be required to enforce compliancewith such policies.
(2010, c. 483.)