22.1-271.4 - Health requirements for home-instructed, exempted, and excused children.
§ 22.1-271.4. Health requirements for home-instructed, exempted, and excusedchildren.
In addition to compliance with the requirements of subsection B, D, or I of §22.1-254 or § 22.1-254.1, any parent, guardian or other person having controlor charge of a child being home instructed, exempted or excused from schoolattendance shall comply with the immunization requirements provided in §32.1-46 in the same manner and to the same extent as if the child has beenenrolled in and is attending school.
Upon request by the division superintendent, the parent shall submit to suchdivision superintendent documentary proof of immunization in compliance with§ 32.1-46.
No proof of immunization shall be required of any child upon submission of(i) an affidavit to the division superintendent stating that theadministration of immunizing agents conflicts with the parent's or guardian'sreligious tenets or practices or (ii) a written certification from a licensedphysician that one or more of the required immunizations may be detrimentalto the child's health, indicating the specific nature of the medicalcondition or circumstance that contraindicates immunization.
(1993, c. 659; 1999, cc. 488, 552; 2010, c. 605.)