22.1-264.1 - Misdemeanor to make false statements as to school division or attendance zone residency; penalty.
§ 22.1-264.1. Misdemeanor to make false statements as to school division orattendance zone residency; penalty.
Any person who knowingly makes a false statement concerning the residency ofa child, as determined by § 22.1-3, in a particular school division or schoolattendance zone, for the purposes of (i) avoiding the tuition chargesauthorized by § 22.1-5 or (ii) enrollment in a school outside the attendancezone in which the student resides, shall be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanorand shall be liable to the school division in which the child was enrolled asa result of such false statements for tuition charges, pursuant to § 22.1-5,for the time the student was enrolled in such school division.
(2005, c. 178; 2006, c. 143.)