22.1-262 - Complaint to court when parent fails to comply with law.
§ 22.1-262. Complaint to court when parent fails to comply with law.
A list of persons notified pursuant to § 22.1-261 shall be sent by theattendance officer to the appropriate school principal. If the parent (i)fails to comply with the provisions of § 22.1-261 within the time specifiedin the notice; or (ii) fails to comply with the provisions of § 22.1-254; or(iii) refuses to participate in the development of the plan to resolve thestudent's nonattendance or in the conference provided for in § 22.1-258, itshall be the duty of the attendance officer, with the knowledge and approvalof the division superintendent, to make complaint against the pupil's parentin the name of the Commonwealth before the juvenile and domestic relationsdistrict court. If proceedings are instituted against the parent for failureto comply with the provisions of § 22.1-258, the attendance officer is toprovide documentation to the court regarding the school division's compliancewith § 22.1-258. In addition thereto, such child may be proceeded against asa child in need of services or a child in need of supervision as provided inChapter 11 (§ 16.1-226 et seq.) of Title 16.1.
(Code 1950, § 22-275.11; 1959, Ex. Sess., c. 72; 1976, c. 98; 1980, c. 559;1990, c. 797; 1991, c. 295; 1996, cc. 891, 964; 1999, c. 526.)