22.1-212.7 - Contracts for public charter schools; release from certain policies and regulations.
§ 22.1-212.7. Contracts for public charter schools; release from certainpolicies and regulations.
An approved charter application shall constitute an agreement, and its termsshall be the terms of a contract between the public charter school and thelocal school board or, in the case of a regional public charter school,between the regional public charter school and the relevant school boards.The contract between the public charter school and the local school board orrelevant school boards shall reflect all agreements regarding the release ofthe public charter school from school division policies. Such contractbetween the public charter school and the local school board or relevantschool boards shall reflect all requests for release of the public charterschool from state regulations, consistent with the requirements of subsectionB of § 22.1-212.6. The local school board or relevant school boards, onbehalf of the public charter school, shall request such releases from theBoard of Education.
If the charter application proposes a program to increase the educationalopportunities for at-risk students, including those proposals for residentialcharter schools for at-risk students, the local school board or relevantschool boards, as the case may be, on behalf of the public charter school,shall also request that the Board of Education approve an Individual SchoolAccreditation Plan for the evaluation of the performance of the school asauthorized by the Standards of Accreditation pursuant to 8 VAC 20-131-280 Cof the Virginia Administrative Code.
Any material revision of the terms of the contract may be made only with theapproval of the local school board or relevant school boards and themanagement committee of the public charter school.
(1998, cc. 748, 890; 2000, cc. 631, 712, 1028; 2002, c. 851.)