22.1-199.2 - Standards for remediation programs established.
§ 22.1-199.2. Standards for remediation programs established.
The Board of Education shall promulgate regulations for establishingstandards for remediation programs that receive state funding, without regardto state funding designations, which shall be designed to strengthen andimprove the effectiveness of such programs in increasing the scholasticachievement of students with academic deficiencies. Such standards shallrequire school divisions to evaluate remediation programs, annually, in termsof the pass rate on the Standards of Learning tests and the demographic andeducational characteristics of students who have been identified forremediation pursuant to subsection C of § 22.1-253.13:1, or clause (ii) ofsubsection A of § 22.1-254, and § 22.1-254.01.
The Board shall also establish in regulations, a formula for determining thelevel of funding necessary to assist school divisions in providingtransportation services to students required to attend remediation programs.
(1997, c. 466; 1998, cc. 602, 627, 902; 1999, cc. 488, 537, 552; 2000, c.716; 2003, c. 697; 2006, cc. 41, 834; 2010, c. 61.)