21-230 - Contents of petition.

§ 21-230. Contents of petition.

Every such petition shall pray for the creation of the proposed sanitationdistrict, and set forth the name of the proposed sanitation district (whichshall include the words "sanitation district"), shall fix the boundariesthereof, shall name the cities and counties and towns which are in whole orin part to be embraced therein and shall contain an allegation (1) that theproposed sanitation district includes within its territorial limitswatercourses or streams which are polluted, (2) that no part of the proposedsanitation district is within the territorial limits of an existingsanitation district, (3) that the proposed sanitation district is an integralwhole and does not completely surround any territory not included in theproposed or some existing sanitation district, (4) that the creation of theproposed sanitation district in accordance with this chapter will provide ameans for abating or preventing the pollution of waters of the proposedsanitation district and will benefit all the property within the proposedsanitation district, (5) that the creation of the proposed sanitationdistrict has been approved by the State Health Commissioner as providing apractical means for abating or preventing the pollution of the waters of theproposed sanitation district, (6) that the petition has been approved and theprayer thereof joined in by each city, county and town which is in whole orin part embraced within the proposed sanitation district, expressed byresolution adopted by the vote of a majority of the governing body thereof.

(1946, p. 348; Michie Suppl. 1946, § 1560iii3.)