20-155 - Marital agreements.
§ 20-155. Marital agreements.
Married persons may enter into agreements with each other for the purpose ofsettling the rights and obligations of either or both of them, to the sameextent, with the same effect, and subject to the same conditions, as providedin §§ 20-147 through 20-154 for agreements between prospective spouses,except that such marital agreements shall become effective immediately upontheir execution. If the terms of such agreement are (i) contained in a courtorder endorsed by counsel or the parties or (ii) recorded and transcribed bya court reporter and affirmed by the parties on the record personally, theagreement is not required to be in writing and is considered to be executed.A reconciliation of the parties after the signing of a separation or propertysettlement agreement shall abrogate such agreement unless otherwise expresslyset forth in the agreement.
(1987, c. 41; 1998, c. 638; 2003, cc. 662, 669.)