20-122 - Advertising offer to obtain divorces.
§ 20-122. Advertising offer to obtain divorces.
Whosoever prints, publishes, distributes, or circulates, or causes to beprinted, published, distributed, or circulated, any circular, pamphlet, card,handbill, advertisement, printed paper, book, newspaper, or notice of anykind, offering to procure, or aid in procuring, any divorce, or theseverance, dissolution, or annulment of any marriage, either in thisCommonwealth or elsewhere, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and onconviction thereof shall be fined not less than $190 nor more than $300,provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to a dulylicensed attorney-at-law, partnership composed of duly licensedattorneys-at-law or a professional corporation incorporated for the practiceof law so long as such attorney, partnership or professional corporationconducts such advertisement in accordance with the Rules of Court promulgatedby the Supreme Court of Virginia. This section shall not apply to theprinting or publishing of any notice or advertisement required or authorizedby any law of this Commonwealth or orders of any court.
(Code 1919, § 5116; 1975, c. 644; 1979, c. 438.)