20-121.03 - Identifying information confidential; separate addendum.
§ 20-121.03. Identifying information confidential; separate addendum.
Any petition, pleading, motion, order, or decree filed under this chapter,including any agreements of the parties or transcripts, shall not contain thesocial security number of any party or of any minor child of any party, orany financial information of any party that provides identifying accountnumbers for specific assets, liabilities, accounts, or credit cards. Suchinformation if required by law to be provided to a governmental agency orrequired to be recorded for the benefit or convenience of the parties, shallbe contained in a separate addendum filed by the attorney or party. Suchseparate addendum shall be used to distribute the information only asrequired by law. Such addendum shall otherwise be made available only to theparties, their attorneys, and to such other persons as the court in itsdiscretion may allow. The attorney or party who prepares or submits apetition, pleading, motion, agreement, order, or decree shall ensure that anyinformation protected pursuant to this section is removed prior to filingwith the clerk and that any separate addendum is incorporated by referenceinto the petition, pleading, motion, agreement, order or decree. The clerkhas the authority to reject any petition, pleading, motion, agreement, order,or decree for recordation as a land record that does not comply with theprovisions of this section.
(2005, c. 500; 2006, c. 734; 2007, cc. 548, 626.)