20-118 - Prohibition of remarriage pending appeal from divorce decree; certain marriages validated.
§ 20-118. Prohibition of remarriage pending appeal from divorce decree;certain marriages validated.
On the dissolution of the bond of matrimony for any cause arising subsequentto the date of the marriage, if objections or exceptions are noted or filedto the final decree and a bond is given staying the execution thereof, thecourt shall decree that neither party shall remarry pending the perfecting ofan appeal from said final judgment of the trial court.
Marriages heretofore celebrated in violation of any prohibition againstremarriage shall not hereafter be deemed to be invalid because of theviolation of such prohibition, provided that the parties to such a marriagehave continued to reside together as husband and wife until the first day ofJuly, 1960, or until such time as one of the parties dies prior to July 1,1960.
(Code 1919, § 5113; 1934, p. 445; 1944, p. 181; 1960, c. 399; 1962, c. 290.)