20-111 - Decree of divorce from bond of matrimony extinguishes contingent property rights.
§ 20-111. Decree of divorce from bond of matrimony extinguishes contingentproperty rights.
Upon the entry of a decree of divorce from the bond of matrimony, allcontingent rights of either consort in the real and personal property of theother then existing, or thereafter acquired, including the right ofsurvivorship in real or personal property title to which is vested in theparties as joint tenants or as tenants by the entirety, with survivorship asat common law, shall be extinguished, and such estate by the entirety shallthereupon be converted into a tenancy in common.
(Code 1919, § 5111; 1926, p. 105; 1927, p. 184; 1934, p. 516; 1938, p. 784;1944, p. 397; 1948, p. 593.)