20-109.1 - Affirmation, ratification and incorporation by reference in decree of agreement between parties.
§ 20-109.1. Affirmation, ratification and incorporation by reference indecree of agreement between parties.
Any court may affirm, ratify and incorporate by reference in its decreedissolving a marriage or decree of divorce whether from the bond of matrimonyor from bed and board, or by a separate decree prior to or subsequent to suchdecree, or in a decree entered in a suit for annulment or separatemaintenance, and in a proceeding arising under subsection A 3 or L of §16.1-241, any valid agreement between the parties, or provisions thereof,concerning the conditions of the maintenance of the parties, or either ofthem and the care, custody and maintenance of their minor children, orestablishing or imposing any other condition or consideration, monetary ornonmonetary. Provisions in such agreements for the modification of childsupport shall be valid and enforceable. Unless otherwise provided for in suchagreement or decree incorporating such agreement, such future modificationsshall not require a subsequent court decree. This section shall be subject tothe provisions of § 20-108. Where the court affirms, ratifies andincorporates by reference in its decree such agreement or provision thereof,it shall be deemed for all purposes to be a term of the decree, andenforceable in the same manner as any provision of such decree. Theprovisions of this section shall apply to any decree hereinbefore orhereinafter entered affirming, ratifying and incorporating an agreement asprovided herein. Upon the death or remarriage of the spouse receivingsupport, spousal support shall terminate unless otherwise provided bystipulation or contract. In any case where jurisdiction is obtained over anonresident defendant by order of publication or by acceptance of servicepursuant to § 20-99.1:1, any properly acknowledged and otherwise validagreement entered into between the parties may be affirmed, ratified andincorporated as provided in this section.
(1970, c. 501; 1972, c. 482; 1978, c. 746; 1979, c. 659; 1982, c. 312; 1987,c. 424; 1996, c. 331; 2003, c. 260.)