20-108 - Revision and alteration of such decrees.
§ 20-108. Revision and alteration of such decrees.
The court may, from time to time after decreeing as provided in § 20-107.2,on petition of either of the parents, or on its own motion or upon petitionof any probation officer or the Department of Social Services, which petitionshall set forth the reasons for the relief sought, revise and alter suchdecree concerning the care, custody, and maintenance of the children and makea new decree concerning the same, as the circumstances of the parents and thebenefit of the children may require. The intentional withholding ofvisitation of a child from the other parent without just cause may constitutea material change of circumstances justifying a change of custody in thediscretion of the court.
No support order may be retroactively modified, but may be modified withrespect to any period during which there is a pending petition formodification in any court, but only from the date that notice of suchpetition has been given to the responding party.
Any member of the United States Armed Forces Reserves, Virginia NationalGuard, or Virginia National Guard Reserves, who files a petition or is aparty to a petition requesting the adjudication of the custody, visitation orsupport of a child based on a change of circumstances because one of theparents has been called to active duty, shall be entitled to have such apetition expedited on the docket of the court.
(Code 1919, § 5111; 1926, p. 105; 1927, p. 184; 1934, p. 515; 1938, p. 784;1944, p. 397; 1948, p. 593; 1986, c. 537; 1987, c. 649; 1991, c. 438; 2002,c. 747; 2004, c. 204; 2006, c. 371.)