20-124.4 - Mediation.
§ 20-124.4. Mediation.
In any appropriate case the court shall refer the parents or persons with alegitimate interest to a dispute resolution evaluation session to beconducted by a mediator certified pursuant to guidelines promulgated by theJudicial Council at no cost and in accordance with the procedures set out inChapter 20.2 (§ 8.01-576.4 et seq.) of Title 8.01. In assessing theappropriateness of a referral, the court shall ascertain upon motion of aparty whether there is a history of family abuse. If an agreement is notreached on any issue through further mediation as agreed to by the parties,prior to the return date set by the court pursuant to § 8.01-576.5, the courtshall proceed with a hearing on any unresolved issue, unless a continuancehas been granted by the court. The fee of a mediator appointed in anycustody, support or visitation case shall be $100 per appointment and shallbe paid by the Commonwealth from the funds appropriated for payment ofappointments made pursuant to subsection B of § 16.1-267.
(1994, c. 769; 2000, c. 768.)