20-88.69 - Choice of law; statute of limitations.
§ 20-88.69. Choice of law; statute of limitations.
A. Except as otherwise provided in subsection D, the law of the issuing stategoverns (i) the nature, extent, amount, and duration of current paymentsunder a registered support order; (ii) the computation and payment ofarrearages and accrual of interest on the arrearages under the support order;and (iii) the existence and satisfaction of other obligations under thesupport order.
B. In a proceeding for arrears under a registered support order, the statuteof limitations of the Commonwealth or of the issuing state, whichever islonger, applies.
C. A responding tribunal of the Commonwealth shall apply the procedures andremedies of the Commonwealth to enforce current support and collect arrearsand interest due on a support order of another state registered in theCommonwealth.
D. After a tribunal of the Commonwealth or another state determines which isthe controlling order and issues an order consolidating arrears, if any, atribunal of the Commonwealth shall prospectively apply the law of the stateissuing the controlling order, including its law on interest on arrears, oncurrent and future support, and on consolidated arrears.
(1994, c. 673; 2005, c. 754.)