2.2-813.1 - Biannual disclosure by Comptroller of revenue sources collected.
§ 2.2-813.1. Biannual disclosure by Comptroller of revenue sources collected.
The Comptroller shall post on the Internet website for the Department ofAccounts the following information according to the following schedule: (i)no later than October 1 of each year, the total amount of each revenue sourcecollected by the Commonwealth for the most recent six-month period endingJune 30, and (ii) no later than April 1 of each year, the total amount ofeach revenue source collected by the Commonwealth for the most recentsix-month period ending December 30. The Comptroller shall include in theinformation posted any Auditor of Public Accounts control findings that anyrevenue source was used for any purpose other than the purpose originallyestablished in law for such revenue source.
This section may be referred to as the Virginia Truth in Revenue SourceReporting Act.
(2003, c. 174.)