2.2-807 - Monthly reports of state departments, divisions, etc., receiving public funds.
§ 2.2-807. Monthly reports of state departments, divisions, etc., receivingpublic funds.
Every state department, division, officer, board, commission, institution orother agency owned or controlled by the Commonwealth, whether at the seat ofgovernment or not, including county and city treasurers and clerks of courts,collecting or receiving public funds, or moneys from any source whatever,belonging to or for the use of the Commonwealth, or for the use of any stateagency, and paying the same to the State Treasurer, or depositing the same tohis credit in pursuance of law, shall, on or before the tenth day of eachmonth, or oftener if so directed by the Comptroller, report to theComptroller in such manner as he may direct, the amount collected or receivedand paid into the state treasury for the preceding calendar month or otherperiod designated by the Comptroller. The report shall show also the dates ofpayments to or deposits to the credit of the State Treasurer.
(Code 1950, § 2-167; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-199; 2001, c. 844.)