2.2-620 - Establishment of the Capitol District as the seat of government of the Commonwealth.
§ 2.2-620. Establishment of the Capitol District as the seat of government ofthe Commonwealth.
A. For administrative purposes, the area that encompasses the seat ofgovernment of the Commonwealth shall be referred to as the "CapitolDistrict."
B. The term "Capitol District" shall be geographically defined as the areain Richmond, Virginia, contained within the centerline of East Broad Streetbetween its intersections with the centerline of Eighth Street and theInterstate 95 overpass, the centerline of Eighth Street between itsintersections with the centerlines of East Broad Street and Main Street, thecenterline of Main Street between its intersections with the centerline ofEighth Street and the Interstate 95 overpass, and the overpass of Interstate95 between its intersections with the centerlines of East Broad Street andMain Street, and all buildings and property owned or leased by theCommonwealth within such area.
C. Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict (i) the authorityof the legislative, executive, or judicial branch of state government in theadministration of its employees or facilities within the Capitol District orto grant any additional authority or responsibility to any government agencyor entity (ii) the law-enforcement authority of the police department of theCity of Richmond within the Department's jurisdiction.
(2008, c. 548.)