2.2-604 - Performance of duties assigned to an agency.
§ 2.2-604. Performance of duties assigned to an agency.
The chief executive officer shall be responsible for any duty or task imposedupon his agency. The chief executive officer may delegate or assign to anyofficer or employee of his agency any tasks required to be performed by himor the agency and, in the case of an agency with a supervisory board, suchboard may delegate or assign the tasks. Except as otherwise provided by law,the chief executive officer may also delegate to any officer or employee ofany state or quasi-state agency nondiscretionary duties conferred or imposedupon the chief executive officer or his agency by law where the delegation ofduties is necessary to achieve efficiency and economy in the administrationof government. The chief executive officer or supervisory board delegating orassigning tasks shall remain responsible for the performance of such tasks.
Any delegation pursuant to this section shall, where appropriate, beaccompanied by written guidelines for the exercise of the tasks delegated.Where appropriate, the guidelines shall require that agency heads receivesummaries of actions taken. Such delegation shall not relieve the chiefexecutive officer or supervisory board of the responsibility to ensurefaithful performance of the duties and tasks.
(1988, c. 273, § 2.1-20.01:2; 2001, c. 844; 2005, c. 839.)