2.2-5403 - Community action boards.
§ 2.2-5403. Community action boards.
A. Each community action agency shall administer its community action programthrough a community action board consisting of no less than fifteen memberswho shall be selected as follows:
1. One-third of the members of the board shall be elected public officials ortheir designees, who shall be selected by the local governing body of theservice area, except that if the number of elected officials reasonablyavailable and willing to serve is less than one-third of the membership ofthe board, membership on the board of appointed public officials may becounted in meeting the one-third requirement.
2. At least one-third of the members shall be persons chosen democraticallyto represent the poor of the area served.
3. The other members shall be members of business, industry, labor,religious, social service, education or other major community groups.
B. Each member of the board selected to represent a specific geographic areawithin a community shall reside in the area represented.
C. Except as otherwise provided in subsection D, the board shall beresponsible for the following:
1. Appointing and dismissing an executive director of the community actionagency.
2. Approving grants and contracts, annual program budget requests andoperational policies of the community action agency.
3. Having an annual audit performed by an independent auditor.
4. Convening public meetings to provide low-income and other persons theopportunity to comment upon public policies and programs to reduce poverty.
5. Annually evaluating the policies and programs of the community actionagency. The board shall submit the evaluation and recommendations to improvethe administration of the community action agency to the designated agencyand to the local governing body or bodies within the service area.
6. Carrying out such other duties as may be delegated by the local governingbody or bodies within the service area or by the designated agency.
7. Delegating responsibilities pursuant to the provisions of § 2.2-5404.
D. Where a local subdivision of the Commonwealth acts as or has designated acommunity action agency, the local governing body shall determine theresponsibilities and authority of the community action board.
(1982, c. 667, § 2.1-591; 1989, c. 273; 2001, c. 844; 2010, c. 584.)