2.2-5305 - Local interagency coordinating councils.
§ 2.2-5305. Local interagency coordinating councils.
A. The lead agency, in consultation with the Virginia InteragencyCoordinating Council, shall establish local interagency coordinating councilson a statewide basis to advise and assist the local lead agencies and toenable early intervention service providers to establish workingrelationships that will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of earlyintervention services. The membership of local interagency coordinatingcouncils shall include designees from the following agencies: communityservices boards, departments of health, departments of social services, andlocal school divisions. These designees shall designate additional councilmembers as follows: at least one parent representative who is not an employeeof any public or private program that serves infants and toddlers withdisabilities; representatives from community providers of early interventionservices; and representatives from other service providers as deemedappropriate. Every county and city may appoint a representative to therespective local interagency coordinating council.
B. The duties of local interagency coordinating councils shall includeassisting and advising the local lead agency in the following:
1. Identifying existing early intervention services and resources;
2. Identifying gaps in the service delivery system and developing strategiesto address these gaps;
3. Identifying alternative funding sources;
4. Facilitating the development of interagency agreements and supporting thedevelopment of service coalitions;
5. Implementing policies and procedures that will promote interagencycollaboration; and
6. Developing local procedures and determining mechanisms for implementingpolicies and procedures in accordance with state and federal statutes andregulations.
(1992, c. 771, § 2.1-766; 2001, cc. 562, 844; 2005, c. 695.)