2.2-5208 - Family assessment and planning team; powers and duties.

§ 2.2-5208. Family assessment and planning team; powers and duties.

The family assessment and planning team, in accordance with § 2.2-2648, shallassess the strengths and needs of troubled youths and families who areapproved for referral to the team and identify and determine the complementof services required to meet these unique needs.

Every such team, in accordance with policies developed by the communitypolicy and management team, shall:

1. Review referrals of youths and families to the team;

2. Provide for family participation in all aspects of assessment, planningand implementation of services;

3. Provide for the participation of foster parents in the assessment,planning and implementation of services when a child has a program goal ofpermanent foster care or is in a long-term foster care placement. The casemanager shall notify the foster parents of a troubled youth of the time andplace of all assessment and planning meetings related to such youth. Suchfoster parents shall be given the opportunity to speak at the meeting orsubmit written testimony if the foster parents are unable to attend. Theopinions of the foster parents shall be considered by the family assessmentand planning team in its deliberations;

4. Develop an individual family services plan for youths and familiesreviewed by the team that provides for appropriate and cost-effectiveservices;

5. Identify children who are at risk of entering, or are placed in,residential care through the Comprehensive Services Act program who can beappropriately and effectively served in their homes, relatives' homes,family-like settings, and communities. For each child entering or inresidential care, in accordance with the policies of the community policy andmanagement team developed pursuant to subdivision 17 of § 2.2-5206, thefamily assessment and planning team or approved alternative multidisciplinaryteam, in collaboration with the family, shall (i) identify the strengths andneeds of the child and his family through conducting or reviewingcomprehensive assessments, including but not limited to information gatheredthrough the mandatory uniform assessment instrument, (ii) identify specificservices and supports necessary to meet the identified needs of the child andhis family, building upon the identified strengths, (iii) implement a planfor returning the youth to his home, relative's home, family-like setting, orcommunity at the earliest appropriate time that addresses his needs,including identification of public or private community-based services tosupport the youth and his family during transition to community-based care,and (iv) provide regular monitoring and utilization review of the servicesand residential placement for the child to determine whether the services andplacement continue to provide the most appropriate and effective services forthe child and his family;

6. Where parental or legal guardian financial contribution is notspecifically prohibited by federal or state law or regulation, or has notbeen ordered by the court or by the Division of Child Support Enforcement,assess the ability of parents or legal guardians, utilizing a standardsliding fee scale, based upon ability to pay, to contribute financially tothe cost of services to be provided and provide for appropriate financialcontribution from parents or legal guardians in the individual familyservices plan;

7. Refer the youth and family to community agencies and resources inaccordance with the individual family services plan;

8. Recommend to the community policy and management team expenditures fromthe local allocation of the state pool of funds; and

9. Designate a person who is responsible for monitoring and reporting, asappropriate, on the progress being made in fulfilling the individual familyservices plan developed for each youth and family, such reports to be made tothe team or the responsible local agencies.

(1992, cc. 837, 880, § 2.1-754; 1995, c. 396; 1999, c. 669; 2001, cc. 437,844; 2008, cc. 39, 170.)