2.2-5103 - Requirements for grants generally.
§ 2.2-5103. Requirements for grants generally.
A. Any eligible manufacturer, eligible company, or research and developmentservice eligible to apply for a grant under this chapter shall provideevidence, satisfactory to the Secretary, of the amount of the capitalinvestment, the number of new jobs created as a result of the capitalinvestment and such other evidence that requirements of this chapter havebeen satisfied. An eligible manufacturer, eligible company, or research anddevelopment service whose application has been approved shall continue tocomply with the requirements for grant eligibility during the grant paymentperiod. The Partnership shall verify that the conditions for approval of anygrant have been satisfied.
B. Prior to any grant payment, the Partnership shall certify to (i) theComptroller and (ii) each applicant the amount of the grant to which suchapplicant is entitled. Subject to the appropriation by the General Assemblyof sufficient moneys to the appropriate subfund, payment of such grant shallbe made from the subfund by check issued by the State Treasurer on warrant ofthe Comptroller within 60 days of certification.
C. As a condition of receipt of a grant, a major eligible employer oreligible company shall make available to the Partnership for inspection uponrequest all relevant and applicable documents to determine whether therequirements for the receipt of grants as set forth in this chapter have beensatisfied. All such documents appropriately identified by the major eligibleemployer or eligible company shall be considered confidential and proprietary.
D. Within 30 days of each calendar quarter, the Secretary shall provide areport to the chairmen of the House Committee on Appropriations and theSenate Committee on Finance that shall include, but is not limited to, thefollowing information: the name of the eligible manufacturer, eligiblecompany, or research and development service determined to be eligible for agrant; the product it manufactures, the nature of the research, or theproducts it produces or services it provides, as applicable; the locality ofthe manufacturing, research and development, or other facility; the amount ofthe grant made or committed from the Fund; the number of new jobs created orprojected to be created; the amount of the manufacturer's, eligiblecompany's, or research and development service's capital investment; and thetimetable for the completion of the capital investment and new jobs createdor employment creation, as applicable.
E. The Secretary shall provide grants and commitments from the Fund in anamount not to exceed the dollar amount contained in the Fund. If funds arecommitted for years beyond the fiscal years covered under the existingappropriation act, the State Treasurer shall set aside and reserve such fundsas have been committed, and such funds shall remain in the Fund for thosefuture fiscal years. No grant shall be payable in the years beyond theexisting appropriation act unless such funds are currently available in theFund.
(1999, cc. 875, 961, § 2.1-548.43:5; 2000, c. 571; 2001, c. 844; 2005, c.431.)