Chapter 48 - Virginia Debt Collection Act (2.2-4800 thru 2.2-4809)
- 2.2-4800 - Policy of the Commonwealth; collection of accounts receivable.
- 2.2-4801 - Definitions.
- 2.2-4802 - Responsibility for accounts receivable policy; reports.
- 2.2-4803 - Legal counsel.
- 2.2-4804 - Annual reports.
- 2.2-4805 - Interest, administrative charges and penalty fees.
- 2.2-4806 - Utilization of certain collection techniques.
- 2.2-4807 - Debtor information and skip-tracing.
- 2.2-4808 - Provision of state services to delinquent debtors.
- 2.2-4809 - Agreement authorized; setoff federal debts.