2.2-4346 - Other exemptions for certain transactions.
§ 2.2-4346. Other exemptions for certain transactions.
The following public bodies may enter into contracts as provided in thissection.
A. Contracts for certain essential election materials and services areexempted from the requirements of Articles 1 (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.), 2 (§2.2-4303 et seq.), and 5 (§ 2.2-4357 et seq.) of this chapter pursuant to §24.2-602.
B. Any local school board may authorize any of its public schools or itsschool division to enter into contracts providing that caps and gowns,photographs, class rings, yearbooks and graduation announcements will beavailable for purchase or rental by students, parents, faculty or otherpersons using nonpublic money through the use of competitive negotiation asprovided in this chapter; competitive sealed bidding is not necessarilyrequired for such contracts. The Superintendent of Public Instruction mayprovide assistance to public school systems regarding this chapter and otherrelated laws.
C. The Virginia Racing Commission may designate an entity to administer andpromote the Virginia Breeders Fund created pursuant to § 59.1-372 withoutcompetitive procurement.
(1982, c. 647, §§ 11-41, 11-45; 1984, c. 764; 1985, c. 164; 1986, cc. 332,559; 1987, cc. 194, 248, 456; 1988, cc. 40, 640; 1989, cc. 235, 296; 1990, c.395; 1991, cc. 73, 175; 1992, c. 105, § 11-40.3; 1993, cc. 110, 242, 505,638, 971; 1996, cc. 145, 827, 897, 902, 950, 965, 1019, 1038; 1998, c. 222,619, 666, 697, 791; 1999, cc. 160, 178, 194, 1021, 1024; 2000, cc. 242, 637,647, 664, 692, 696, 927; 2001, c. 844.)