2.2-4311.2 - Compliance with state law; foreign and domestic businesses authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth.
§ 2.2-4311.2. Compliance with state law; foreign and domestic businessesauthorized to transact business in the Commonwealth.
A. All public bodies shall include in every written contract a provision thata contractor organized as a stock or nonstock corporation, limited liabilitycompany, business trust, or limited partnership or registered as a registeredlimited liability partnership shall be authorized to transact business in theCommonwealth as a domestic or foreign business entity if so required by Title13.1 or Title 50 or as otherwise required by law.
B. Pursuant to competitive sealed bidding or competitive negotiation, allpublic bodies shall include in the solicitation a provision that requires abidder or offeror organized or authorized to transact business in theCommonwealth pursuant to Title 13.1 or Title 50 to include in its bid orproposal the identification number issued to it by the State CorporationCommission. Any bidder or offeror that is not required to be authorized totransact business in the Commonwealth as a foreign business entity underTitle 13.1 or Title 50 or as otherwise required by law shall include in itsbid or proposal a statement describing why the bidder or offeror is notrequired to be so authorized.
C. Any bidder or offeror described in subsection B that fails to provide therequired information shall not receive an award unless a waiver of thisrequirement and the administrative policies and procedures established toimplement this section is granted by the Director of the Department ofGeneral Services or his designee or by the chief executive of a localgoverning body.
D. Any business entity described in subsection A that enters into a contractwith a public body pursuant to this chapter shall not allow its existence tolapse or its certificate of authority or registration to transact business inthe Commonwealth, if so required under Title 13.1 or Title 50, to be revokedor cancelled at any time during the term of the contract.
E. A public body may void any contract with a business entity if the businessentity fails to remain in compliance with the provisions of this section.
(2010, c. 634.)