2.2-4311 - Employment discrimination by contractor prohibited; required contract provisions.
§ 2.2-4311. Employment discrimination by contractor prohibited; requiredcontract provisions.
All public bodies shall include in every contract of more than $10,000 thefollowing provisions:
1. During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows:
a. The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant foremployment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age,disability, or other basis prohibited by state law relating to discriminationin employment, except where there is a bona fide occupational qualificationreasonably necessary to the normal operation of the contractor. Thecontractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees andapplicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of thisnondiscrimination clause.
b. The contractor, in all solicitations or advertisements for employeesplaced by or on behalf of the contractor, will state that such contractor isan equal opportunity employer.
c. Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance withfederal law, rule or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose ofmeeting the requirements of this section.
2. The contractor will include the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs a,b and c in every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that theprovisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor.
(1982, c. 647, § 11-51; 2000, c. 628; 2001, c. 844.)