2.2-4012.1 - Fast-track rulemaking process.
§ 2.2-4012.1. Fast-track rulemaking process.
Notwithstanding any other provision, rules that are expected to benoncontroversial may be promulgated or repealed in accordance with theprocess set out in this section. Upon the concurrence of the Governor, andafter written notice to the applicable standing committees of the Senate ofVirginia and the House of Delegates, and to the Joint Commission onAdministrative Rules, the agency may submit a fast-track regulation withouthaving previously published a Notice of Intended Regulatory Action. Thefast-track regulation shall be published in the Virginia Register ofRegulations and posted on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall, along with anagency statement setting out the reasons for using the fast-track rulemakingprocess. Such regulations shall be subject to the requirements set out in §§2.2-4007.03, 2.2-4007.04, and 2.2-4007.05, except that the time for receivingpublic comment need not exceed 30 days after (i) publication of theregulation in the Virginia Register of Regulations and (ii) a public commentforum opens on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall. The time for preparation ofthe economic impact analysis shall not exceed 30 days. If an objection to theuse of the fast-track process is received within the public comment periodfrom 10 or more persons, any member of the applicable standing committee ofeither house of the General Assembly or of the Joint Commission onAdministrative Rules, the agency shall (i) file notice of the objection withthe Registrar of Regulations for publication in the Virginia Register, and(ii) proceed with the normal promulgation process set out in this articlewith the initial publication of the fast-track regulation serving as theNotice of Intended Regulatory Action. Otherwise, the regulation will becomeeffective or shall be repealed as appropriate, 15 days after the close of thecomment period, unless the regulation or repeal is withdrawn or a latereffective date is specified by the agency.
(2003, c. 224; 2007, cc. 873, 916.)