2.2-4008 - Availability of guidance documents.
§ 2.2-4008. Availability of guidance documents.
It shall be the duty of every agency to annually file with the Registrar forpublication in the Virginia Register of Regulations a list of any guidancedocuments upon which the agency currently relies. The filing shall be made onor before January 1 of each year in a format to be developed by theRegistrar. Each agency shall also (i) maintain a complete list of all of itscurrently operative guidance documents and make the list available for publicinspection, (ii) make available for public inspection the full texts of allguidance documents to the extent inspection is permitted by law, and (iii)upon request, make copies of such lists or guidance documents availablewithout charge, at cost, or on payment of a reasonable fee.
(1997, c. 11, § 9-6.14:7.2; 2001, c. 844.)