2.2-425 - Registration information to be recorded in legislative docket; list of executive officials.
§ 2.2-425. Registration information to be recorded in legislative docket;list of executive officials.
A. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall maintain in a legislative docketthe information filed under § 2.2-423 pertaining to lobbying involvinglegislative actions during any session of the General Assembly. The Secretaryshall furnish current, complete lists thereof to the clerk of each house andto each member of the General Assembly once every two weeks during thesession of the General Assembly beginning with the convening of the GeneralAssembly.
B. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall prepare a list of executiveofficials, their positions and names, to be revised at least semi-annuallyand made available to lobbyists to assist them in complying with theprovisions of this article.
(1994, cc. 857, 937, § 2.1-785; 2001, c. 844.)