2.2-2830 - Governor to fill vacancy in any state office where no other provision is made by law; term of appointment; benefits.
§ 2.2-2830. Governor to fill vacancy in any state office where no otherprovision is made by law; term of appointment; benefits.
A. When a vacancy occurs in any state office, whether the officer is electedby the people or the General Assembly, or is appointed by the Governor, andno other provision is made for filling the same, it shall be filled by theGovernor.
B. If the office is one filled by election by the people, the appointee shallhold such office until the next general election, and thereafter until hissuccessor qualifies, according to law. If the office is filled by an electionby the General Assembly or appointment by the Governor, and such appointmentrequires confirmation of the Senate or the General Assembly, the appointeeshall temporarily hold such office until thirty days after the commencementof the next session of the General Assembly. Notwithstanding any provision oflaw to the contrary, any individual temporarily appointed under this sectionshall be eligible for, receive, and accrue all benefits, retirement, healthand life insurance, personnel and otherwise, due such appointee by virtue ofhis holding such office.
(Code 1950, §§ 2-14, 2-15; 1966, c. 677, §§ 2.1-18, 2.1-19; 1981, c. 511;2001, c. 844.)